Web design

Build A Quality Website With These Design Tips


Do you need special templates and expensive software to design a great website? Your dependence on new, expensive technology will decrease as you learn more about the mechanics of website design. If you’re lazy, you’ll be forced to utilize some type of third-party program or some other company to do this work for you. Read on to find some tips which will help you conquer your site and make it the best it can be, without having to pay an arm and a leg to a design company!

Make sure that your website has a tagline incorporated into the design. This expresses exactly what your business offers. When a visitor arrives at your site, they aren’t going to stay long if nothing catches their eye. Your tagline can help grab their attention.

TIP! Users can navigate easier when you use fixed-position navigation. By locking the menu to a fixed point on the screen, you can make sure it is constantly visible to the user regardless of where they scroll to on the screen.

One critical part of great website creation is ease of navigation. Links need to be prominent and simple to find. Menus can also help with site navigation. Ensure your site users can easily find the way to the pages are the main ones by providing links to them on each subordinate page.

Be sure that scanning your website is a simple matter. Many readers online look for information that is interesting to them. Use sub-headers to break the text into sections your readers will appreciate. Keep the most pertinent information near the top of the page. This will satisfy your visitors and have them coming back for more.

Make sure your page loads quickly. A well-designed website will show up on a browser within moments. Most online users crave instant gratification, so your success relies on providing it.

TIP! Speed is king on the Internet, so you need to make sure your web pages load quickly. If visitors have to wait and sit for a long time as your website load, there is a big chance that they will click away from your website and go elsewhere.

Your front page should be simple and inviting. Those who are shopping the web will make snap decisions about a site based on its front page. Blow the horn about your business and its unique qualities, but reduce the amount of extra fluff on your site.

Use some pictures on your site to make your site attractive. A few pictures on your site can make it more appealing to visitors. People will look at your website longer and more often if you include high quality, original images.

The beginning web designer can use Photoshop to make their website look great. Photoshop and similar programs enable amateurs to design sites quickly. Building a site from scratch can be overwhelming for amateur designers, so take advantage of design tools and programs that can do some of the heavy lifting for you.

Internet Explorer

Optimize your website to handle computers that may be running older versions of programs like Internet Explorer 7 and 8. Everyone loves to hate Internet Explorer, but the sad fact is that a large minority of internet users still use these old versions of IE. They don’t render pages that have to do with regular standards on the web so you have to figure out a workaround. Do a little research on the box model bug.

To learn how to design a site is not like you are learning how to do open heart surgery. You don’t need a formal education, and you aren’t making any life or death decisions. As long as you can follow the tips you have learned above, you can design a great website today.